
This blog is all about testing and quality analysis, tools techniques and best practises

Installation – Ubuntu 16.04

In our previous post, we knew about what Jmeter is. Now since we have a first hand idea about the tool, it’s time that we install this tool in our system.

Before installing Jmeter, you must ensure that your system has the latest version of Java installed and the path variable should be set properly, otherwise, it would lead to a slew of unwanted errors while installing Jmeter. You can refer to this wonderful link on installing Java in your Ubuntu system and refer to this link on how to set the path variable correctly.


Once you have done the above correctly, it’s time that we proceed with the installation process. Installing Jmeter in Ubuntu is a fairly simple process which requires almost no effort at all.


The first step in the installation is having the Jmeter installation package downloaded in your system. You can go to this link and download the latest version of Jmeter. Since the installation is covering a Ubuntu set-up, so in this step, please select the .tgz packages. In Apache JMeter 3.0 (Requires Java 7 or later) download the       ” apache-jmeter-3.0.tgz” package under the Binaries section.


Once you have got the installation package downloaded in your system, now you need to go in the subsequent folder where you have downloaded the installation packages.

Let’s say I have downloaded the files in my Documents folder, so I go to my Documents folder (using the terminal off-course )



Once inside the folder, run tar -xf apache-jmeter-3.0.tgz so that the .tar files are unpacked and a folder with the unpacked files are created.




Now enter the unpacked apache-jmeter directory



Once inside the directory, run ./bin/jmeter to start Jmeter



Wait for a moment, and you’ll see the Jmeter starts.




You can run ./bin/jmeter -? in case you want to open the HELP menu from Jmeter.


In case, you don’t want to install Jmeter manually and prefer the terminal way using apt-get way, you can refer to the first answer from this SO post. However, it should be noted that this doesn’t install the latest version (v.3.0) of Jmeter.